
My Coaching collapses the time and space between where who you are and where who you want to be.

Does that interest you? Cool. Let’s talk.

Want to know more? Here you go.

  • As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified HeartMath Practitioner, Licensed Social Worker, and Board Certified Life Coach, I help my clients experience lasting transformation and multidimensional shifts.

    Through experiencing a range of integrative modalities, my clients elevate their vibrational frequency to attract their desired outcomes and create lives of harmony, freedom, and fulfillment. Along the way we redesign lifestyle, enhance heart coherence, and integrate long-held energetic patterns that block authentic self-expression.

    The result is True Wellness, which is rooted in the realization of who you truly are. From this place, my clients give their gifts at the highest level in the service of humanity.

  • I have over 3500 hours of experience working 1:1 with clients of all different ages and abilities around the world. My work has taken me from Poland’s inpatient psychiatric hospitals to Manhattan’s boardrooms. I’ve served in rural rehabilitation centers, urban clinics, private residences, and remote wellness retreats.

    Over the years, I’ve trained hundreds of clinicians across the U.S. in evidence-based modalities, spoken at national conferences, and helped healthcare organizations expand access to behavioral health services.

    Most recently, I’ve developed the coaching curriculum for the world’s largest health coach training program, which educates thousands of coaches each year.

  • These days my services are bespoke and by application or invite only. Each program is tailored to each client.

    If you are interested in working together, don't hesitate to apply. I offer a complimentary initial session to qualified candidates.

    Many find that this single session is enough to generate a shift that changes the trajectory of their lives. If we decide to continue together, we will co-create a path forward.